Terms of service – Regulations

This site is intended for educational purposes only and is not considered a legal or other professional service. The information provided does not replace professional advice or care. If you need other expert services, look for appropriate professional care. The author, co-authors, publisher and their employees shall not be liable or liable for any damage caused as a result of or in connection with the use of any information contained on this site. No copyrighted material on any of the websites or any material published in these books, in whole or in part, may be published on another website and may not be placed in any discussion group, on any discussion forums or sent by e-mail. to Internet. without the written consent of our agents. This website is based on personal experience and research and reflects the perception of the past, present and future. All information presented on this site is the result of personal research and cooperation with professional, academic and government colleagues around the world. The personalities, events, activities and conversations presented in the book have been reconstructed from the author’s memory, various legal acts, letters, personal documents and press accounts. Some names and events have been changed to protect the privacy of people. Events involving characters occurred as described; only minor details have been changed.


Claims for return or cancellation are sent by email in the contact tab. In the complaint, the customer gives the reason for the claim. We reserve the right not to accept the buyer’s claim if the basis of his complaint proves to be unjustified. Returned product must be in the same condition in which you received it (as new), without unsealing or tampering with the packaging, just before sale, as a full original packaging. To accept the return, please enter the order number of the person who originally purchased the product and details of which are given in the order code.

The customer has the right to return the purchased product and ask for its replacement with another product or reimbursement in two cases:

1. In the case of a proven error of our company (wrong product or product obtained with quality defects), the customer should return the product within ten (10) days from the date it received it, without any transport costs.

2. If the customer’s decision to return the product does not result from any of the above-mentioned objective reasons, the company reserves the right not to claim. If the complaint is accepted, the customer may return the product within ten (10) days from the date of receipt. In this case, all transport costs, as well as any differences in the price of the products, are borne by the customer.

In all cases, the products should be in the condition received by the customer, complete, without damage and in the original packaging. If you do not return within ten (10) days, our store is not obliged to accept a refund. After fulfilling the conditions and accepting the return of the product, the customer has the right to receive another product of equal value or a refund. The return to the customer will be processed within ninety (90) days from the date of receipt of the product. In the case of multiple returns or refunds, if our company decides, at its own discretion, that the customer is abusing the right to return or act in bad faith, he is entitled to refuse the return of the product, even if these conditions are met and met. . These conditions do not affect any consumer rights provided by law.


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